Crossfield News 1/14/25

GovDelivery6 days 11 hours ago

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Upcoming Dates


Wednesday, January 15th- PJ Family Bingo Night 6-8:30 pm Cafeteria

Wednesday, January 29th- No School. Teacher Work Day

Thursday, February 20th- Spirit Night at Dave & Buster's 5-8 pm

Monday, March 24th- Spirit Night at Piero's 5-8 pm

Winter Family Bingo Night is Coming!

The PTO is bringing back Bingo Night! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, January 15 for a PJ-themed family bingo night. Join us for a cozy evening of fun, prizes, hot chocolate and more. Pre-event tickets will start at $16 for a 4-pack of 5 Bingo sheets. Click here to register and buy tickets. 

Date: Wednesday, January 15

Time: 6:00pm to 8:30pm

Location: Crossfield Cafeteria


Climbing Wall Sign Up (Rising K, 7th, 8th)

Comprehensive Boundary Review Virtual Meetings

If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in a  virtual meetings:



All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the recently held in-person meetings, and the same information will be shared. Click one of the dates above to register and receive your unique Zoom link. Please note that each virtual meeting will be capped at 400 participants to help provide a meaningful experience for all. Language interpretation will be available. You can also sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.

Orthodox Epiphany

A joyous Orthodox Epiphany to those in our community who celebrate! In the Orthodox church, Epiphany is recognized on January 19 and celebrates the baptism of Jesus rather than the arrival of the Three Kings.

Upcoming Webinars

All webinars are FREE to families, educators, and community members.


Supporting Your Child’s Executive Functioning Skills

January 17, 2025 10-11:30 a.m.



Depression in Teens

January 24, 2025 10-11:30 a.m.


Dave & Buster's

Please join us on Feb 20 from 5-8 at Dave & Buster's (Fair Oaks Shopping Center) for an evening of games and food. Be sure to show the flyer when ordering food and game cards and Crossfield PTO will receive a portion of sales.


Piero's Corner has dinner ready for you! Enjoy a delicious dinner while supporting your Crossfield PTO from 5-8 on Monday March 24th. Be sure to mention Crossfield to your server when you arrive, or when placing an order for pickup over the phone. (online orders for Crossfield are not accepted at this time)

Preparing for Winter Weather

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated. Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Food Allergies: Form Required for Cafeteria

Starting School Year 2024-2025, the Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) implemented a standardized process for dietary accommodations to ensure the provision of safe and healthy food for our students. If your child will need a medical accommodation (food allergies, texture modifications, or other dietary needs) or a milk substitution in the cafeteria, this a reminder to submit your completed accommodation form if you have not already done so. This form only needs to be filled out once while your child is enrolled at FCPS.  The completed form should be sent to [email protected]. More information including the form can be found here:  If you have any questions, please contact FCPS Food and Nutrition Services at:  703-813-4800

New Literacy Resource for Families

A new Literacy Resource For Families webpage has been published to provide families with information about how to support their children with developing literacy knowledge and skills at home. It provides valuable information about the reading and writing resources to be used at home, the VALLSS, Reading Plans, and training available through the Family Academy. 

Washington Wizards Discounted Tickets

The Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards are excited to offer discounted tickets (up to 20% savings) to Crossfield Elementary School families and friends for select 2024-25 regular season games. A portion of each ticket will be donated back to benefit Crossfield Elementary! Please feel free to share the links below with your friends and family.


Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors (Free)

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Mark Your Calendars: 3-Hour Early Release Mondays

Don't forget! The following Mondays will have a 3-hour early dismissal:

  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19
Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 12/17/24

GovDelivery1 month ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Upcoming Dates

Monday, December 16th through 20th- HGD 5th Grade

Monday, December 16th through 20th- HGD 6th Grade

Wednesday, December 18th- HGD 4th Grade

Thursday, December 19th & 20th- A Charlie Brown Christmas at SLHS 

Monday, December 23rd through January 3rd- Winter Break

Wednesday, January 15th-  PJ Family Bingo Night 6-8:30 pm Cafeteria

Family Life Education

Parents/guardians may choose to opt their child(ren) out of all or part of the Family Life Education program.  Students who are opted out are provided with age-appropriate, nonpunitive alternative health instruction, and every effort is made to foster respect for family choices. If you wish to opt your child out of all or part of FLE for this school year, opt out forms are available in Parent Digital Consent.  Paper opt-out forms are available from the school. 

Detailed grade-level program descriptions are available online at for Elementary (K-6) , Middle School (7-8) , and High School (9-12). FLE grade level-specific lessons and media that FCPS has streaming rights for are available for parents online in Schoology.  Parents/guardians login to Schoology using the same username and password as their Student Information System (SIS) Parent account.  Grade level-specific lessons are also available at the City of Fairfax Regional Library (this location does not have media). Grade level-specific lessons and media that is not streamed online are available for review at your child’s school library. Due to copyright permissions, we are unable to stream all media online.

FLE instruction is seen as a partnership among parents, guardians, the school and the community supporting the development of strong families, positive relationships, and a healthy community. Crossfield Elementary Human Growth and Development Lesson Schedule is as follows:

4th grade December 18th

5th grade December 16-20th

6th grade December 16-20th

Program questions may be addressed with Barbara Fant at Crossfield, by contacting Instructional Services at 571-423-4550, or by email to [email protected].

Portrait of a Graduate (POG) Spirit Week

To celebrate our learning in 2024, we will have a Portrait of a Graduate (POG) Spirit Week on December 16-20! Throughout the year, students have been learning about Portrait of a Graduate skills to help them succeed beyond the classroom. Each grade level focuses on at least one of these five key attributes:

  • Communicator
  • Collaborator
  • Ethical and Global Citizen
  • Creative and Critical Thinker
  • Goal-Directed and Resilient Individual

As part of our Spirit Week celebration, students will have the opportunity to share what they’ve learned with a “POG buddy” from another grade level. Ask your child which POG skill they are currently learning about, and how they celebrated with their buddy!

Winter Break POG BINGO

On the Spirit Week flyer that will be sent home, you’ll find a Winter Break POG BINGO card. We encourage you to support your child in practicing these Portrait of a Graduate skills at home over the break! Once your child has completed their BINGO card, please bring it back to Crossfield in January to earn a prize.

The things left behind

Please check the photo for items that may belong in your child(ren)’s closet(s). Some things are on their second round in the Left Behind. You might consider putting your child’s name on their school things then Ms. Fant has a better chance at returning them. Items are located at the back of the café; if you are here to pick-up early, for a conference or to volunteer please take a look. Items remaining at the end of the quarter will be donated to The Closet in Herndon.

Cards for Veterans

Thank you to our families who created heartfelt cards for Veterans. Last week, your cards were delivered to Veterans at Sunrise Senior Living. We appreciate you spreading cheer and sharing your gratitude!

Region 1 Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8 p.m., at Madison High School  in the cafeteria. Please register in advance. Language interpretation will be available. 

Visit the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage for more information.

PJ Family Bingo Night

Save the date for Wednesday, January 15, 2025 for our inaugural pj themed family Bingo night! Join us for a cozy evening of fun, prizes, and laughter. Come dressed in your favorite pajamas and enjoy hot chocolate and snacks as you compete in a night of exciting bingo! Registration to buy tickets will open in January. Pre-event tickets will start at $16 for a 4-pack of 5 Bingo sheets. 

Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Time: 6:00 pm to 8: 30pm

Location: Cafeteria

Crossfield Giving this year

Thank you so much for all that contributed to Crossfield giving this year! We were able to collect many gift cards to support our families.

They are very grateful. Thank you so much for your support!

Preparing for Winter Weather

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated. Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Food Allergies: Form Required for Cafeteria

Starting School Year 2024-2025, the Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) implemented a standardized process for dietary accommodations to ensure the provision of safe and healthy food for our students. If your child will need a medical accommodation (food allergies, texture modifications, or other dietary needs) or a milk substitution in the cafeteria, this a reminder to submit your completed accommodation form if you have not already done so. This form only needs to be filled out once while your child is enrolled at FCPS.  The completed form should be sent to [email protected]. More information including the form can be found here:  If you have any questions, please contact FCPS Food and Nutrition Services at:  703-813-4800


Purchase tickets by scanning the QR code or visit 


New Literacy Resource for Families

A new Literacy Resource For Families webpage has been published to provide families with information about how to support their children with developing literacy knowledge and skills at home. It provides valuable information about the reading and writing resources to be used at home, the VALLSS, Reading Plans, and training available through the Family Academy. 

Washington Wizards Discounted Tickets

The Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards are excited to offer discounted tickets (up to 20% savings) to Crossfield Elementary School families and friends for select 2024-25 regular season games. A portion of each ticket will be donated back to benefit Crossfield Elementary! Please feel free to share the links below with your friends and family.


Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors (Free)

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Mark Your Calendars: 3-Hour Early Release Mondays

Don't forget! The following Mondays will have a 3-hour early dismissal:

  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19
Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 12/10/24

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Upcoming Dates

Friday, December 13th- PTO Sweet Treat Buffet for Teachers & Staff

Sunday, December 15th- Full-Time AAP Referral Deadline

Monday, December 16th through 20th- HGD 5th Grade

Monday, December 16th through 20th- HGD 6th Grade

Wednesday, December 18th- HGD 4th Grade

Thursday, December 19th & 20th- A Charlie Brown Christmas at SLHS 

PTO Sweet Treat Buffet for Teachers & Staff Friday, December 13th

Teachers and staff will enjoy a warm beverage as they pack their goodie boxes full of holiday treats! We need your help with donations of lots of sweets and treats. Anything goes - individually portioned cookies, brownies, cupcakes, baked goods, candy, chocolates, fudge, etc. Healthier items and non-food treats are welcomed too. Please package all goods in individual portions, snack size baggies work great. Please sign up to contribute here!

Family Life Education

Parents/guardians may choose to opt their child(ren) out of all or part of the Family Life Education program.  Students who are opted out are provided with age-appropriate, nonpunitive alternative health instruction, and every effort is made to foster respect for family choices. If you wish to opt your child out of all or part of FLE for this school year, opt out forms are available in Parent Digital Consent.  Paper opt-out forms are available from the school. 

Detailed grade-level program descriptions are available online at for Elementary (K-6) , Middle School (7-8) , and High School (9-12). FLE grade level-specific lessons and media that FCPS has streaming rights for are available for parents online in Schoology.  Parents/guardians login to Schoology using the same username and password as their Student Information System (SIS) Parent account.  Grade level-specific lessons are also available at the City of Fairfax Regional Library (this location does not have media). Grade level-specific lessons and media that is not streamed online are available for review at your child’s school library. Due to copyright permissions, we are unable to stream all media online.

FLE instruction is seen as a partnership among parents, guardians, the school and the community supporting the development of strong families, positive relationships, and a healthy community. Crossfield Elementary Human Growth and Development Lesson Schedule is as follows:

4th grade December 18th

5th grade December 16-20th

6th grade December 16-20th

Program questions may be addressed with Barbara Fant at Crossfield, by contacting Instructional Services at 571-423-4550, or by email to [email protected].

Portrait of a Graduate (POG) Spirit Week

To celebrate our learning in 2024, we will have a Portrait of a Graduate (POG) Spirit Week on December 16-20! Throughout the year, students have been learning about Portrait of a Graduate skills to help them succeed beyond the classroom. Each grade level focuses on at least one of these five key attributes:

  • Communicator
  • Collaborator
  • Ethical and Global Citizen
  • Creative and Critical Thinker
  • Goal-Directed and Resilient Individual

As part of our Spirit Week celebration, students will have the opportunity to share what they’ve learned with a “POG buddy” from another grade level. Ask your child which POG skill they are currently learning about, and how they celebrated with their buddy!

Winter Break POG BINGO

On the Spirit Week flyer that will be sent home, you’ll find a Winter Break POG BINGO card. We encourage you to support your child in practicing these Portrait of a Graduate skills at home over the break! Once your child has completed their BINGO card, please bring it back to Crossfield in January to earn a prize.

Language Arts Grading Update

Our teachers have been hard at work teaching with the new Language Arts curriculum, and we are excited to help all of our students become strong readers and writers! This year we also have new assessments, which is how we check if your student needs extra help with reading and writing, and new Standards of Learning (SOLs).

Because of these changes, we are now teaching all of the Language Arts skills your child needs to know (and checking if they need extra help) throughout the whole school year, instead of different skills each quarter. While these skills will be new to your child in the beginning of the year, the goal is for your child to grow strong in all of their new skills by the end of the year.

This means that when you get your child’s progress report next month, it might look different. Your child’s teacher will give you more information on the new progress reporting and how we’re making sure your child is getting any extra help they might need. You can also find more information on FCPS’ Grading and Reporting webpage.

Crossfield Giving this year

If your family is in need this holiday season, please reach out to:

Sarah Goswick 703-295-1125    [email protected]  

Ashley Mangan 703-295-1175   [email protected]

Preparing for Winter Weather

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated. Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Food Allergies: Form Required for Cafeteria

Starting School Year 2024-2025, the Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) implemented a standardized process for dietary accommodations to ensure the provision of safe and healthy food for our students. If your child will need a medical accommodation (food allergies, texture modifications, or other dietary needs) or a milk substitution in the cafeteria, this a reminder to submit your completed accommodation form if you have not already done so. This form only needs to be filled out once while your child is enrolled at FCPS.  The completed form should be sent to [email protected]. More information including the form can be found here:  If you have any questions, please contact FCPS Food and Nutrition Services at:  703-813-4800


Purchase tickets by scanning the QR code or visit 


Reminder:  Window for Full-Time AAP Referrals Closes on December 15, 2024


Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form toMelissa Graham, AART, andMark Granieri, principal,no later than December 15, 2024

The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART), Melissa Graham.

Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss this deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall. 

For more information, please visit the Advanced Academic Programs website.


Upcoming Webinar

Protecting Kids Against Digital Exploitation: Keeping Kids Safe Online

Join us for this important webinar presented jointly between Fairfax County Schools, Fairfax County Police Department, the Department of Justice, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Webinar Highlights:

What is Sextortion?

What are FCPS and FCPD seeing with respect to sextortion?

How can families help prevent their kids from becoming victims?

How should families respond if their child was victimized?

December 13, 2024 10-11:30 a.m.

Register Here

New Literacy Resource for Families

A new Literacy Resource For Families webpage has been published to provide families with information about how to support their children with developing literacy knowledge and skills at home. It provides valuable information about the reading and writing resources to be used at home, the VALLSS, Reading Plans, and training available through the Family Academy. 

Washington Wizards Discounted Tickets

The Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards are excited to offer discounted tickets (up to 20% savings) to Crossfield Elementary School families and friends for select 2024-25 regular season games. A portion of each ticket will be donated back to benefit Crossfield Elementary! Please feel free to share the links below with your friends and family.


Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors (Free)

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Mark Your Calendars: 3-Hour Early Release Mondays

Don't forget! The following Mondays will have a 3-hour early dismissal:

  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19
Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 12/3/24

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Upcoming Dates

Monday, December 2nd through December 5th- Spirit Days at Lucia's

Monday, December 9th- 3 Hour Early Release

Friday, December 13th- PTO Sweet Treat Buffet for Teachers & Staff

Sunday, December 15th- Full-Time AAP Referral Deadline

Thursday, December 19th & 20th- A Charlie Brown Christmas at SLHS 

December 9-- 3 Hour Early Release

Families can change their designation for what their students will be doing on the early release day of December 9. We will use the designation from October 28 as the default decision. If families need to change whether their student receives supervision at school  on Monday, December 9, from 1pm-4pm or whether they will go home, daycare, SACC,  etc, please complete this form.

Language Arts Grading Update

Our teachers have been hard at work teaching with the new Language Arts curriculum, and we are excited to help all of our students become strong readers and writers! This year we also have new assessments, which is how we check if your student needs extra help with reading and writing, and new Standards of Learning (SOLs).

Because of these changes, we are now teaching all of the Language Arts skills your child needs to know (and checking if they need extra help) throughout the whole school year, instead of different skills each quarter. While these skills will be new to your child in the beginning of the year, the goal is for your child to grow strong in all of their new skills by the end of the year.

This means that when you get your child’s progress report next month, it might look different. Your child’s teacher will give you more information on the new progress reporting and how we’re making sure your child is getting any extra help they might need. You can also find more information on FCPS’ Grading and Reporting webpage.

Crossfield Giving this year

If your family is in need this holiday season, please reach out to:

Sarah Goswick 703-295-1125    [email protected]  

Ashley Mangan 703-295-1175   [email protected]

PTO Sweet Treat Buffet for Teachers & Staff Friday, December 13th

Teachers and staff will enjoy a warm beverage as they pack their goodie boxes full of holiday treats! We need your help with donations of lots of sweets and treats. Anything goes - individually portioned cookies, brownies, cupcakes, baked goods, candy, chocolates, fudge, etc. Healthier items and non-food treats are welcomed too. Please package all goods in individual portions, snack size baggies work great. Please sign up to contribute here!

Food Allergies: Form Required for Cafeteria

Starting School Year 2024-2025, the Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) implemented a standardized process for dietary accommodations to ensure the provision of safe and healthy food for our students. If your child will need a medical accommodation (food allergies, texture modifications, or other dietary needs) or a milk substitution in the cafeteria, this a reminder to submit your completed accommodation form if you have not already done so. This form only needs to be filled out once while your child is enrolled at FCPS.  The completed form should be sent to [email protected]. More information including the form can be found here:  If you have any questions, please contact FCPS Food and Nutrition Services at:  703-813-4800

Spirit Days at Lucia's


Purchase tickets by scanning the QR code or visit 


Reminder:  Window for Full-Time AAP Referrals Closes on December 15, 2024


Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form toMelissa Graham, AART, andMark Granieri, principal,no later than December 15, 2024

The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART), Melissa Graham.

Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss this deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall. 

For more information, please visit the Advanced Academic Programs website.


Upcoming In-person Workshop

Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among children and adolescents ages 12-18. 

The course will teach you how to apply the MHFA Action Plan (ALGEE):

  • Assess for risk of suicide or harm.  
  •  Listen nonjudgmentally.
  • Give reassurance and information.    
  • Encourage appropriate professional help.  
  •   Encourage self-help and other support strategies.

December 20, 2024 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Register Here

Space is limited to 30

This workshop is for adults only and will be in-person:

Family Resource Center

2334 Gallows Road

Dunn Loring, VA 22027

New Literacy Resource for Families

A new Literacy Resource For Families webpage has been published to provide families with information about how to support their children with developing literacy knowledge and skills at home. It provides valuable information about the reading and writing resources to be used at home, the VALLSS, Reading Plans, and training available through the Family Academy. 

Impact Aid Forms

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Thursday, November 14. Paper forms should be returned by Wednesday, December 4.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

Washington Capitals and Wizards Discounted Tickets

The Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards are excited to offer discounted tickets (up to 20% savings) to Crossfield Elementary School families and friends for select 2024-25 regular season games. A portion of each ticket will be donated back to benefit Crossfield Elementary! Please feel free to share the links below with your friends and family.


Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors (Free)

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Mark Your Calendars: 3-Hour Early Release Mondays

Don't forget! The following Mondays will have a 3-hour early dismissal:

  • December 9
  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19
Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 11/26/24

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Upcoming Dates

Monday, December 2nd through December 5th- Spirit Days at Lucia's

Sunday, December 15th- Full-Time AAP Referral Deadline

Language Arts Grading Update

Our teachers have been hard at work teaching with the new Language Arts curriculum, and we are excited to help all of our students become strong readers and writers! This year we also have new assessments, which is how we check if your student needs extra help with reading and writing, and new Standards of Learning (SOLs).

Because of these changes, we are now teaching all of the Language Arts skills your child needs to know (and checking if they need extra help) throughout the whole school year, instead of different skills each quarter. While these skills will be new to your child in the beginning of the year, the goal is for your child to grow strong in all of their new skills by the end of the year.

This means that when you get your child’s progress report next month, it might look different. Your child’s teacher will give you more information on the new progress reporting and how we’re making sure your child is getting any extra help they might need. You can also find more information on FCPS’ Grading and Reporting webpage.

Donated Candy for Firefighters

Thank you to those who donated excess candy to our firefighters. Mr. Granieri brought the candy to the station today.

Thanksgiving Holiday Crossfield Giving this year

If your family is in need this holiday season, please reach out to:

Sarah Goswick 703-295-1125    [email protected]  

Ashley Mangan 703-295-1175   [email protected]

Food Allergies: Form Required for Cafeteria

Starting School Year 2024-2025, the Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) implemented a standardized process for dietary accommodations to ensure the provision of safe and healthy food for our students. If your child will need a medical accommodation (food allergies, texture modifications, or other dietary needs) or a milk substitution in the cafeteria, this a reminder to submit your completed accommodation form if you have not already done so. This form only needs to be filled out once while your child is enrolled at FCPS.  The completed form should be sent to [email protected]. More information including the form can be found here:  If you have any questions, please contact FCPS Food and Nutrition Services at:  703-813-4800

Spirit Days at Lucia's Reminder:  Window for Full-Time AAP Referrals Closes on December 15, 2024


Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form toMelissa Graham, AART, andMark Granieri, principal,no later than December 15, 2024

The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART), Melissa Graham.

Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss this deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall. 

For more information, please visit the Advanced Academic Programs website.


Upcoming Webinar

Stress less, Enjoy More. Reducing Stress and Increasing Happiness

Kids and families are under stress from so many sources, and they are suffering as a result. Achievement pressure, time pressure, social pressure, and uncertainty about a rapidly changing world are eroding the health of our youth. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Well-known parenting expert, psychologist, and author (and FCPS parent) Dr. Heather Tedesco will show you:

  • The surprising ways stress shows up in kids
  • The power parents have to reduce stress (in our kids and ourselves)
  • How we can nurture happiness and build psychological strength in our kids long-term
  • Specific strategies to stress less and enjoy more

 December 6, 2024 10-11:30 a.m.

Register Here

New Literacy Resource for Families

A new Literacy Resource For Families webpage has been published to provide families with information about how to support their children with developing literacy knowledge and skills at home. It provides valuable information about the reading and writing resources to be used at home, the VALLSS, Reading Plans, and training available through the Family Academy. 


Lexia's research-proven program provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the six areas of reading instruction, targeting skill gaps as they emerge, and providing teachers with the data and student-specific resources they need for individual or small-group instruction. Parents who are curious about Lexia in FCPS can attend Lexia Parent Nights throughout the 24-25 SY. Information regarding the Lexia Parent Nights can be found on Family Academy Site.


Impact Aid Forms

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Thursday, November 14. Paper forms should be returned by Wednesday, December 4.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native Americans. It is also a time to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges they have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. 

Washington Capitals and Wizards Discounted Tickets

The Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards are excited to offer discounted tickets (up to 20% savings) to Crossfield Elementary School families and friends for select 2024-25 regular season games. A portion of each ticket will be donated back to benefit Crossfield Elementary! Please feel free to share the links below with your friends and family.


Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors (Free)

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 11/19/24

GovDelivery2 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Upcoming Dates


Monday, November 18th through November 22nd- Digital Citizenship Week

Wednesday, November 20th- AAP Services in Middle and High School

Thursday, November 21st- Langston Hughes Theater Expo 6-8 pm

Saturday, November 23rd- Late Nite at the Byrd 8 pm SLHS

Monday, December 2nd through December 5th- Spirit Days at Lucia's

Sunday, December 15th- Full-Time AAP Referral Deadline

Let’s show some gratitude to our community!

Please send in your thank-you cards for Veterans to the office—we’ll make sure they are delivered to the Veterans right here in our community to brighten their holidays. If you have any leftover Halloween candy, we’d love to take it off your hands! All the sweet treats will be donated to our incredible firefighters at the local station.

A heartfelt thank you to all the families who have already sent in their cards and candy.

Celebrate Digital Citizenship Week with Us!

This week, November 18-22, we are celebrating Digital Citizenship Week at Crossfield Elementary! This week is dedicated to teaching our students about online safety, responsibility, and the importance of making positive choices in the digital world.

To make the week even more exciting, we will be hosting a Spirit Week with daily themes to encourage fun and participation. Please refer to the attached flier for all the details on how your child can get involved.

In addition, we are excited to share some valuable resources for families to support digital citizenship at home. These resources are provided by Common Sense Media and include:

Thank you for celebrating Digital Citizenship Week with our students and helping them build the skills they need to be responsible and respectful digital citizens.

Language Arts Grading Update

Our teachers have been hard at work teaching with the new Language Arts curriculum, and we are excited to help all of our students become strong readers and writers! This year we also have new assessments, which is how we check if your student needs extra help with reading and writing, and new Standards of Learning (SOLs).

Because of these changes, we are now teaching all of the Language Arts skills your child needs to know (and checking if they need extra help) throughout the whole school year, instead of different skills each quarter. While these skills will be new to your child in the beginning of the year, the goal is for your child to grow strong in all of their new skills by the end of the year.

This means that when you get your child’s progress report next month, it might look different. Your child’s teacher will give you more information on the new progress reporting and how we’re making sure your child is getting any extra help they might need. You can also find more information on FCPS’ Grading and Reporting webpage.

Spirit Days at Lucia's Advanced Academic Programs: Services in Middle and High School

Parents and Guardians of 6th grade students are invited to attend an information session hosted by the Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AARTs) from elementary schools within the Carson and Hughes MS Pyramid and the Carson Middle School AART. The AARTs will jointly present an Overview of Advanced Academic Programs in Middle School and High School. The presentation will cover topics including the goals of AAP in FCPS, the AAP Continuum of Services in Middle and High School, Honors vs. AAP courses, and Math offerings available to students in middle school.

*Closed Captioning will be available in Spanish*

Date: Wednesday, November 20th

Time: 9:30-10:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting using this link: 

Meeting ID    960 3900 5092

Passcode   411813

Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs Referral Deadline

Referrals for Full-Time AAP screening will be accepted through December 15, 2024. Referral forms may be sent via email to Melissa Graham, the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher and Mark Granieri, principal, or may be dropped off in the school office. More information about the screening process can be found at the FCPS AAP website.
There are no extensions or exceptions to the December 15, 2024 deadline.

Staff Thanksgiving Luncheon

It's another wonderful time of year to show our thanks to our Crossfields teachers and staff. The PTO will be hosting our annual Thanksgiving luncheon buffet for them on Friday, November 22nd.  The PTO is sponsoring Bob Evans catering for the main courses in addition to parent donations and volunteers to assist on the day.  We would appreciate your help! 

(1) Volunteers: assist in set-up, serving and clean up

(2) Donations: side dishes, salads, vegetarian items, drinks and desserts

Upcoming Webinar

Starting The Conversation About Drugs

Drugs and drug prevention have become increasingly important topics in recent years.

Are you unsure about how to approach the topic of drugs with your child? Join us to learn how to navigate this importance discussion with confidence and ease!

Webinar Highlights

  • Tips to start the conversation about drugs, as early as 4 years old
  • Practical advice and real-world examples
  • Strategies to prevent drug abuse
  • Presented by Beth Mohaupt, FCPS Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist

November 22, 2024, 10-11:30 a.m.

Register here

New Literacy Resource for Families

A new Literacy Resource For Families webpage has been published to provide families with information about how to support their children with developing literacy knowledge and skills at home. It provides valuable information about the reading and writing resources to be used at home, the VALLSS, Reading Plans, and training available through the Family Academy. 


Lexia's research-proven program provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the six areas of reading instruction, targeting skill gaps as they emerge, and providing teachers with the data and student-specific resources they need for individual or small-group instruction. Parents who are curious about Lexia in FCPS can attend Lexia Parent Nights throughout the 24-25 SY. Information regarding the Lexia Parent Nights can be found on Family Academy Site.


Impact Aid Forms

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Thursday, November 14. Paper forms should be returned by Wednesday, December 4.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native Americans. It is also a time to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges they have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. 

The 2nd Annual Late Nite at the Byrd is Back!

A welcoming event for the Boys and Girls basketball programs this year hosted by the South Lakes Athletic Leadership class. It is a free event but there will be a donation available. We invite members of the South Lakes community to join us to see:

  • 3 Point Contest
  • Dunk Contest
  • Dance Team performance
  • Raffle Prizes
  • Contests for fans

 This is a chance for people to meet with teams, get autographs and take photos with the players!  The event is on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 8pm at the Wendell G. Byrd Gymnasium, following the boys basketball scrimmage. Please enter at door 4.

 Every middle school and elementary school child must be accompanied by an adult. Boosters will have concessions and gear store open in gym lobby!

 Any questions please email Mr. Cincinnati at [email protected]

Washington Capitals and Wizards Discounted Tickets

The Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards are excited to offer discounted tickets (up to 20% savings) to Crossfield Elementary School families and friends for select 2024-25 regular season games. A portion of each ticket will be donated back to benefit Crossfield Elementary! Please feel free to share the links below with your friends and family.


Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors (Free)

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Rising 7th Grade Theater Expo

Join teachers, parent volunteers, and advanced theater students for:

✨ A guided tour of our theater space

🎬 Hands-on sessions in improv and acting

💄 Tutorials on special effect theater makeup

💃 A choreography workshop from the upcoming Matilda Jr. Musical

Come explore your inner performer, meet new friends, ask about the classes, and see why theater at Langston Hughes is something special!

Register  Here


Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 11/12/24

GovDelivery2 months 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Upcoming Dates


Wednesday, November 13th- Chipotle Spirit Night 5-9 pm

Monday, November 18th through November 22- Digital Citizenship Week

Wednesday, November 20th- AAP Services in Middle and High School

Thursday, November 21st- Langston Hughes Theater Expo 6-8 pm

Saturday, November 23rd- Late Nite at the Byrd 8 pm SLHS

Donate Your Leftover Halloween Candy!

Got extra Halloween treats? Bring them to the office, and we’ll donate them to our local fire station to share some sweetness with our community heroes!

Digital Citizenship Week

Next week, November 18-22, we will be celebrating Digital Citizenship Week at Crossfield Elementary, a time dedicated to learning about online safety, responsibility, and the importance of positive digital behavior.

To make the week even more exciting, we will be hosting a Spirit Week! Each day will have a special theme, so please check the attached flier for details on how your child can participate.

We look forward to celebrating with our students and helping them develop the skills they need to be responsible digital citizens!

Language Arts Grading Update

Our teachers have been hard at work teaching with the new Language Arts curriculum, and we are excited to help all of our students become strong readers and writers! This year we also have new assessments, which is how we check if your student needs extra help with reading and writing, and new Standards of Learning (SOLs).

Because of these changes, we are now teaching all of the Language Arts skills your child needs to know (and checking if they need extra help) throughout the whole school year, instead of different skills each quarter. While these skills will be new to your child in the beginning of the year, the goal is for your child to grow strong in all of their new skills by the end of the year.

This means that when you get your child’s progress report next month, it might look different. Your child’s teacher will give you more information on the new progress reporting and how we’re making sure your child is getting any extra help they might need. You can also find more information on FCPS’ Grading and Reporting webpage.

Advanced Academic Programs: Services in Middle and High School

Parents and Guardians of 6th grade students are invited to attend an information session hosted by the Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AARTs) from elementary schools within the Carson and Hughes MS Pyramid and the Carson Middle School AART. The AARTs will jointly present an Overview of Advanced Academic Programs in Middle School and High School. The presentation will cover topics including the goals of AAP in FCPS, the AAP Continuum of Services in Middle and High School, Honors vs. AAP courses, and Math offerings available to students in middle school.

*Closed Captioning will be available in Spanish*

Date: Wednesday, November 20th

Time: 9:30-10:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting using this link: 

Meeting ID    960 3900 5092

Passcode   411813

Staff Thanksgiving Luncheon

It's another wonderful time of year to show our thanks to our Crossfields teachers and staff. The PTO will be hosting our annual Thanksgiving luncheon buffet for them on Friday, November 22nd.  The PTO is sponsoring Bob Evans catering for the main courses in addition to parent donations and volunteers to assist on the day.  We would appreciate your help! 

(1) Volunteers: assist in set-up, serving and clean up

(2) Donations: side dishes, salads, vegetarian items, drinks and desserts

New Literacy Resource for Families

A new Literacy Resource For Families webpage has been published to provide families with information about how to support their children with developing literacy knowledge and skills at home. It provides valuable information about the reading and writing resources to be used at home, the VALLSS, Reading Plans, and training available through the Family Academy. 


Lexia's research-proven program provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the six areas of reading instruction, targeting skill gaps as they emerge, and providing teachers with the data and student-specific resources they need for individual or small-group instruction. Parents who are curious about Lexia in FCPS can attend Lexia Parent Nights throughout the 24-25 SY. Information regarding the Lexia Parent Nights can be found on Family Academy Site.


Attention FCPS Families! The Federal Impact Aid Survey is now available to complete online. 

The Federal Impact Aid program provides money to districts that enroll federally connected students. Help FCPS secure funding from the Impact Aid Program by helping us identify: 

  • Military families.
  • Federally connected families.
  • Families living on a military base.

Please complete one form for each child in your household. Remember that only the enrolling parent can fill out the Impact Aid Survey form. 

For families without access to ParentVUE, a paper copy of the form will be sent home with your student starting November 12. Your information will be kept strictly confidential.

Your support will ensure that we receive the resources for which we are eligible.

Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native Americans. It is also a time to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges they have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. 

OHS Presents the Play That Goes Wrong

In an effort to continue our ideas of fostering a community for our future cougars Oakton Theatre presents “The Play That Goes Wrong” on the following days.

Thursday November 14th 7PM

Friday November 15th 7PM

Saturday November 16th 2 PM

Sunday November 16th 7PM

Tickets are available at the door for $10.  This production has been on broadway and is advertised as “A Comedy for the Ages…. ALL AGES!” and has been mentioned for the crowds of 8+. 

The 2nd Annual Late Nite at the Byrd is Back!

A welcoming event for the Boys and Girls basketball programs this year hosted by the South Lakes Athletic Leadership class. It is a free event but there will be a donation available. We invite members of the South Lakes community to join us to see:

  • 3 Point Contest
  • Dunk Contest
  • Dance Team performance
  • Raffle Prizes
  • Contests for fans

 This is a chance for people to meet with teams, get autographs and take photos with the players!  The event is on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 8pm at the Wendell G. Byrd Gymnasium, following the boys basketball scrimmage. Please enter at door 4.

 Every middle school and elementary school child must be accompanied by an adult. Boosters will have concessions and gear store open in gym lobby!

 Any questions please email Mr. Cincinnati at [email protected]

Upcoming Webinar

Building Resilience: Helping Teens Develop Coping Skills and Emotional Intelligence

Join us for a series of insightful sessions focusing on the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social aspects of teen development. Learn strategies to support resilience, mental health, and healthy boundaries, fostering a nurturing environment for adolescents to thrive.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Learn resilience-building techniques.
  • Develop emotional intelligence.
  • Strengthen support networks.

November 15, 2024, 10-11:30 a.m.

Register here

Washington Capitals and Wizards Discounted Tickets

The Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards are excited to offer discounted tickets (up to 20% savings) to Crossfield Elementary School families and friends for select 2024-25 regular season games. A portion of each ticket will be donated back to benefit Crossfield Elementary! Please feel free to share the links below with your friends and family.


Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors (Free)

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Chipotle Spirit Night Rising 7th Grade Theater Expo

Join teachers, parent volunteers, and advanced theater students for:

✨ A guided tour of our theater space

🎬 Hands-on sessions in improv and acting

💄 Tutorials on special effect theater makeup

💃 A choreography workshop from the upcoming Matilda Jr. Musical

Come explore your inner performer, meet new friends, ask about the classes, and see why theater at Langston Hughes is something special!

Register  Here


Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Digital Consent-Action Needed!!

Hi Parents,

Your child has been assigned a laptop and/or iPad at school For your child to have digital access, you will need to complete this parent digital consent form.  This will allow them to have access the websites that we will be using to support your child’s learning.   It can also be found on the Crossfield website.  

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 10/29/24

GovDelivery2 months 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Upcoming Dates


Wednesday, October 30- Trunk or Treat Oakton High School 6-8 pm

Thursday, October 31- 2 Hour Early Release End of Quarter

Friday, November 1- Diwali (No School)

Monday, November 4- Student Holiday

Tuesday, November 5-  Student Holiday

Thursday, November 7- AAP Screening Information 6:30 pm

Tuesday, November 12- SLHS Movie Night - FREE

Wednesday, November 13- Chipotle Spirit Night 5-9 pm

Thursday, November 21st- Langston Hughes Theater Expo 6-8 pm

Student Holidays

2 Hour Early Release on 10/31

November 1st, 4th, and 5th are student holidays.

Warm wishes to everyone celebrating All Saints’ Day and Diwali.

Language Arts Grading Update

Our teachers have been hard at work teaching with the new Language Arts curriculum, and we are excited to help all of our students become strong readers and writers! This year we also have new assessments, which is how we check if your student needs extra help with reading and writing, and new Standards of Learning (SOLs).

Because of these changes, we are now teaching all of the Language Arts skills your child needs to know (and checking if they need extra help) throughout the whole school year, instead of different skills each quarter. While these skills will be new to your child in the beginning of the year, the goal is for your child to grow strong in all of their new skills by the end of the year.

This means that when you get your child’s progress report next month, it might look different. Your child’s teacher will give you more information on the new progress reporting and how we’re making sure your child is getting any extra help they might need. You can also find more information on FCPS’ Grading and Reporting webpage.

Attention FCPS Families! The Federal Impact Aid Survey is now available to complete online. 

The Federal Impact Aid program provides money to districts that enroll federally connected students. Help FCPS secure funding from the Impact Aid Program by helping us identify: 

  • Military families.
  • Federally connected families.
  • Families living on a military base.

Please complete one form for each child in your household. Remember that only the enrolling parent can fill out the Impact Aid Survey form. 

For families without access to ParentVUE, a paper copy of the form will be sent home with your student starting November 12. Your information will be kept strictly confidential.

Your support will ensure that we receive the resources for which we are eligible.

"Left Behind" Items

The clothes rack is full; the table is full. Please remind your student(s) to check for items they left behind. If you are at Crossfield for conference(s), meeting(s), picking up, dropping off, or volunteering please pop into the cafeteria to check for things that may be missing from a closet near you. Items remaining at the end of the first quarter (Nov.1) will be donated to The Closet in Herndon.

Advanced Academic Programs Screening Information for Full Time Services

Meeting for Parents/Guardians of Children in Grades 2-6

An informational meeting will be held at Crossfield Elementary School on Thursday, November 7, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria.  Melissa Graham, the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher will review the screening process for full time AAP services.

Referrals for full time AAP screening are due to Mrs. Graham no later than December 15, 2024.  There are no exceptions.

Families of rising 7th graders:  You are welcome to attend this meeting to understand the screening process.  There will be another meeting specifically for rising 7th graders to address AAP options versus honors courses.  Date and time TBD.


South Lakes High School Movie Night - FREE!

SLHS Leadership first annual Movie Night at South Lakes High School.

Movie: Hotel Transylvania

When: Tuesday, November 12th @ 7pm

Where: South Lakes High School Stadium

What to bring: Please bring chairs/blankets to sit on

The event is free. Please bring your friends and family, come bundled up in your favorite cozy pajamas! Students should be accompanied by an adult. The only cost associated with this event would be the purchase of any items from concessions.

Trunk Or Treat Hosted By Oakton High School

Oakton High School Leadership is hosting its first annual Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 30 from 6-8pm in the OHS parking lot. A variety of clubs are sponsoring trunks for a safe, enjoyable trick or treating experience. Along with “Trunk or Treating”, there will be a few events for the kids to participate in as well, “Pumpkin” bowling, Face Painting by our talented art students, a fall themed photo opportunity, a special appearance by the Oakton Cougar, and more. Hope you can make it!!

Webinar for families


5 Ways to De-Escalate a Nuclear Meltdown & Stop the Shame Cycle: A Webinar for Families

Plans go awry, your child gets disappointed or doesn’t get their way. They begin getting upset. Rational talk doesn’t work. Nothing does. Now your child is in full meltdown mode and doesn’t hold back. What do you do?

Calm Parenting Podcast founder, Kirk Martin will show you:

  • How to calm kids with big emotions.
  • Exactly what to say in the moment and how.
  • Why intensity is critical and why to avoid eye contact.
  • How to stop the cycle of shame and embarrassment.

 November 8, 2024, 10-11:30 a.m.

Register here

Washington Capitals and Wizards Discounted Tickets

The Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards are excited to offer discounted tickets to Crossfield Elementary School families and friends for select 2024-25 regular season games. A portion of each ticket will be donated back to benefit Crossfield Elementary! Please feel free to share the links below with your friends and family.

Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors (Free)

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Chipotle Spirit Night Rising 7th Grade Theater Expo

Join teachers, parent volunteers, and advanced theater students for:

✨ A guided tour of our theater space

🎬 Hands-on sessions in improv and acting

💄 Tutorials on special effect theater makeup

💃 A choreography workshop from the upcoming Matilda Jr. Musical

Come explore your inner performer, meet new friends, ask about the classes, and see why theater at Langston Hughes is something special!

Register  Here


Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Digital Consent-Action Needed!!

Hi Parents,

Your child has been assigned a laptop and/or iPad at school For your child to have digital access, you will need to complete this parent digital consent form.  This will allow them to have access the websites that we will be using to support your child’s learning.   It can also be found on the Crossfield website.  

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 10/22/24

GovDelivery2 months 4 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Upcoming Dates


Thursday, October 24- Crossfield Fun Run Event

Thursday, October 24- Family Life Education (FLE) virtual meeting @6 pm

Friday, October 25- Absentee & Retake Picture Day

Monday, October 28- 3 Hour Early Release

Wednesday, October 30- Trunk or Treat Oakton High School 6-8 pm

Thursday, October 31- 2 Hour Early Release End of Quarter

Friday, November 1- Diwali (No School)

Tuesday, November 12- SLHS Movie Night - FREE

Wednesday, November 13- Chipotle Spirit Night 5-9 pm

October 28-- 3 Hour Early Release

Families can change their designation for what their students will be doing on the early release day of October 28. We will use the designation from September 23 as the default decision. If families need to change whether their student receives supervision at school  on October 28 from 1pm-4pm or whether they will go home, daycare, SACC,  etc, please complete this form.

Crossfield Fun Run

2nd Grade is in the lead with 3,300 raised....just above 4th Grade!

Donate Here

Hello Crossfield Community! Our annual Fun Run fundraiser is the primary avenue for our PTO to raise funds to help support our school. From assemblies  to helping support field trips  to our new rock wall, our PTO supports the school in so many ways.

  • Top 5 Students to raise the most funds get to SILLY STRING a staff member!

  • Top 5 Students with the most individual donations will receive COLORFUL RAINBOW SURPRISES!

  • Grade that Shined the Brightest (by percentage): SHAVED ICE & COTTON CANDY PARTY (teachers get LUNCH OUT!! )

  • School wide Prize: OVER THE RAINBOW CELEBRATION Extra Recess with DJ & Skittles (if we hit $30,000)

Family Life Education (FLE)


The Oakton Pyramid Family Life Education (FLE) Parent Preview Night will be held virtually on Thursday, October 24th at 6:00 p.m. using the following link:

FLE encompasses Emotional and Social Health as well as Human Growth and Development (HGD).  Emotional and Social Health lessons are delivered throughout the school year. Human Growth and Development lessons are scheduled for fourth grade December 18th and grades five and six the week of December 16-20th. Teachers have scripts for HGD lesson delivery; students are instructed in same gender, same grade level groups.

FLE teaching materials including lessons and media titles that FCPS has streaming rights for are available through ParentVue.  FLE information is also available in the Crossfield All Parents/Guardians Schoology course, in the blue FLE folder, including opt out forms. To opt your child(ren) out of one or more lessons printable forms are available in Schoology or electronically through Parent Digital Consent (PDC). Additional information is available through FCPS at An alternative non-FLE health instructional program is provided for children who do not take part in FLE instruction, and every effort is made to foster understanding and respect for family choices and to avoid peer pressure for or against participation in the program.

Barbara Fant, Assistant Principal, is the point of contact for questions you may have: [email protected] or call through the main office (703-295-1100).

Absentee & Retake Picture Day


Click the link to order Barksdale Storefront

Attention FCPS Families! The Federal Impact Aid Survey is now available to complete online. 

The Federal Impact Aid program provides money to districts that enroll federally connected students. Help FCPS secure funding from the Impact Aid Program by helping us identify: 

  • Military families.
  • Federally connected families.
  • Families living on a military base.

Please complete one form for each child in your household. Remember that only the enrolling parent can fill out the Impact Aid Survey form. 

For families without access to ParentVUE, a paper copy of the form will be sent home with your student starting November 12. Your information will be kept strictly confidential.

Your support will ensure that we receive the resources for which we are eligible.

"Left Behind" Items

The clothes rack is full; the table is full. Please remind your student(s) to check for items they left behind. If you are at Crossfield for conference(s), meeting(s), picking up, dropping off, or volunteering please pop into the cafeteria to check for things that may be missing from a closet near you. Items remaining at the end of the first quarter (Nov.1) will be donated to The Closet in Herndon.

South Lakes High School Movie Night - FREE!

SLHS Leadership first annual Movie Night at South Lakes High School.

Movie: Hotel Transylvania

When: Tuesday, November 12th @ 7pm

Where: South Lakes High School Stadium

What to bring: Please bring chairs/blankets to sit on

The event is free. Please bring your friends and family, come bundled up in your favorite cozy pajamas! Students should be accompanied by an adult. The only cost associated with this event would be the purchase of any items from concessions.

Trunk Or Treat Hosted By Oakton High School

Oakton High School Leadership is hosting its first annual Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 30 from 6-8pm in the OHS parking lot. A variety of clubs are sponsoring trunks for a safe, enjoyable trick or treating experience. Along with “Trunk or Treating”, there will be a few events for the kids to participate in as well, “Pumpkin” bowling, Face Painting by our talented art students, a fall themed photo opportunity, a special appearance by the Oakton Cougar, and more. Hope you can make it!!

Upcoming Family Workshop

SIBSHOPS: An Exciting, In-person Workshop for Brothers and Sisters of Children with Special Needs!

The Sibshop workshops are for children in grades 2-6 enrolled in Fairfax County Public Schools who have siblings with special needs. They will:

  • Meet other siblings in a relaxed setting.
  • Celebrate the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of children with special needs.
  • Share sibling experiences and receive peer support.
  • Play games and have fun!

November 5, 2024, 9 a.m.- noon

Pulley Center

6500 Quander Rd,

Alexandria, VA 22307

Register Online


Washington Capitals and Wizards Discounted Tickets

The Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards are excited to offer discounted tickets to Crossfield Elementary School families and friends for select 2024-25 regular season games. A portion of each ticket will be donated back to benefit Crossfield Elementary! Please feel free to share the links below with your friends and family.

Upcoming Holidays Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors (Free)

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Chipotle Spirit Night Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Digital Consent-Action Needed!!

Hi Parents,

Your child has been assigned a laptop and/or iPad at school For your child to have digital access, you will need to complete this parent digital consent form.  This will allow them to have access the websites that we will be using to support your child’s learning.   It can also be found on the Crossfield website.  

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield PTO Fun Run Fundraiser

GovDelivery3 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Crossfield Fun Run

Donate Here!

Hello Crossfield Community! Our annual Fun Run fundraiser is the primary avenue for our PTO to raise funds to help support our school. From assemblies  to helping support field trips  to our new rock wall, our PTO supports the school in so many ways.

Please consider donating to our PTO using the link above, shouting out your support for your student or team at Crossfield.

Our PTO volunteers organize the Fun Run each year, only outsourcing support for the website hosting. This allows the overwhelming percentage of donations to remain with our PTO and used to support our students.

We had an amazing pep rally on Friday....our Rally in the Alley!  Great job students, staff, and parents for bringing the spirit!

Donate Here!

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 10/15/24

GovDelivery3 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Upcoming Dates


Tuesday, October 15- Chick-fil-A Spirit Night 4:30-8 pm

Thursday, October 24- Crossfield Fun Run Event

Thursday, October 24- Family Life Education (FLE) virtual meeting @6 pm

Friday, October 25- Absentee & Retake Picture Day

Monday, October 28- 3 Hour Early Release

Thursday, October 31- 2 Hour Early Release End of Quarter

October 28-- 3 Hour Early Release

Families can change their designation for what their students will be doing on the early release day of October 28. We will use the designation from September 23 as the default decision. If families need to change whether their student receives supervision at school  on October 28 from 1pm-4pm or whether they will go home, daycare, SACC,  etc, please complete this form.

Family Life Education (FLE)


The Oakton Pyramid Family Life Education (FLE) Parent Preview Night will be held virtually on Thursday, October 24th at 6:00 p.m. using the following link:

FLE encompasses Emotional and Social Health as well as Human Growth and Development (HGD).  Emotional and Social Health lessons are delivered throughout the school year. Human Growth and Development lessons are scheduled for fourth grade December 18th and grades five and six the week of December 16-20th. Teachers have scripts for HGD lesson delivery; students are instructed in same gender, same grade level groups.

FLE teaching materials including lessons and media titles that FCPS has streaming rights for are available through ParentVue.  FLE information is also available in the Crossfield All Parents/Guardians Schoology course, in the blue FLE folder, including opt out forms. To opt your child(ren) out of one or more lessons printable forms are available in Schoology or electronically through Parent Digital Consent (PDC). Additional information is available through FCPS at An alternative non-FLE health instructional program is provided for children who do not take part in FLE instruction, and every effort is made to foster understanding and respect for family choices and to avoid peer pressure for or against participation in the program.

Barbara Fant, Assistant Principal, is the point of contact for questions you may have: [email protected] or call through the main office (703-295-1100).

Absentee & Retake Picture Day


Click the link to order Barksdale Storefront

"Left Behind" Items

The clothes rack is full; the table is filling up fast. Please remind your student(s) to check for items they left behind. If you are at Crossfield for conference, meeting, picking up, dropping off, or volunteering please pop into the cafeteria to check as well. Items remaining at the end of the first quarter will be donated to The Closet in Herndon.

Washington Capitals and Wizards Discounted Tickets

The Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards are excited to offer discounted tickets to Crossfield Elementary School families and friends for select 2024-25 regular season games. A portion of each ticket will be donated back to benefit Crossfield Elementary! Please feel free to share the links below with your friends and family.

Upcoming Holidays November 1st

Looking for a fun way to celebrate Diwali? The National Museum of Asian Art is hosting Asia After Dark Diwali Festival. Grab your free tickets here.

Explore cool Diwali facts on the National Geographic Kids page and share them with your family for some festive fun!

Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors (Free)

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Chick-fil-A Spirit Night

It's time to eat more chicken, and raise some money for your Crossfield PTO. Join us on Tuesday, October 15 from 4:30-8pm at the Chantilly Air & Space Chick-fil-A. Please present this flier at checkout, or use code "Crossfield" on mobile orders. 

Chick-fil-A is located at 3454 Historic Sully Way in Chantilly

Digital Consent-Action Needed!!

Hi Parents,

Your child has been assigned a laptop and/or iPad at school For your child to have digital access, you will need to complete this parent digital consent form.  This will allow them to have access the websites that we will be using to support your child’s learning.   It can also be found on the Crossfield website.  

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

Get Involved!  

Calling all Crossfield Families! If you are interested in being a lead room parent, volunteering at the book fair, fun run, or other schoolwide events, please fill out the PTO's volunteer interest form. 2024-2025 Crossfield PTO Volunteer Info Sign-Up (

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 10/8/24

GovDelivery3 months 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Upcoming Dates


Thursday, October 10- Open PTO Meeting in the new Library @5:30pm

Monday, October 14- Student Holiday

Tuesday, October 15- Chick-fil-A Spirit Night 4:30-8 pm

Thursday, October 24- Crossfield Fun Run Event

Thursday, October 24- Family Life Education (FLE) virtual meeting @6 pm

Friday, October 25- Absentee & Retake Picture Day

Monday, October 28- 3 Hour Early Release

Thursday, October 31- 2 Hour Early Release End of Quarter

Family Life Education (FLE)


The Oakton Pyramid Family Life Education (FLE) Parent Preview Night will be held virtually on Thursday, October 24th at 6:00 p.m. using the following link:

FLE encompasses Emotional and Social Health as well as Human Growth and Development (HGD).  Emotional and Social Health lessons are delivered throughout the school year. Human Growth and Development lessons are scheduled for fourth grade December 18th and grades five and six the week of December 16-20th. Teachers have scripts for HGD lesson delivery; students are instructed in same gender, same grade level groups.

FLE teaching materials including lessons and media titles that FCPS has streaming rights for are available through ParentVue.  FLE information is also available in the Crossfield All Parents/Guardians Schoology course, in the blue FLE folder, including opt out forms. To opt your child(ren) out of one or more lessons printable forms are available in Schoology or electronically through Parent Digital Consent (PDC). Additional information is available through FCPS at An alternative non-FLE health instructional program is provided for children who do not take part in FLE instruction, and every effort is made to foster understanding and respect for family choices and to avoid peer pressure for or against participation in the program.

Barbara Fant, Assistant Principal, is the point of contact for questions you may have: [email protected] or call through the main office (703-295-1100).

Absentee & Retake Picture Day


Click the link to order Barksdale Storefront

Tutoring Services

Varsity Tutors – Free

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.


In-Person Tutors for Hire

The FCPS Family Resource Center has created a list of available tutors, consisting of current FCPS employees with valid Virginia teaching licenses who are interested in tutoring outside their contracted school hours. Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram for a list of tutors.

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month, held from September 15 to October 15, celebrates Americans with ancestry from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. It’s an opportunity to recognize the contributions, diverse cultures, and histories of the Latino community in the U.S.

This is a great time to get together with family and friends! Be sure to check out some fun local events: Fiesta Fairfax. You can also explore more about Hispanic Heritage Month through Smithsonian's resources.

Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Chick-fil-A Spirit Night

It's time to eat more chicken, and raise some money for your Crossfield PTO. Join us on Tuesday, October 15 from 4:30-8pm at the Chantilly Air & Space Chick-fil-A. Please present this flier at checkout, or use code "Crossfield" on mobile orders. 

Chick-fil-A is located at 3454 Historic Sully Way in Chantilly

Digital Consent-Action Needed!!

Hi Parents,

Your child has been assigned a laptop and/or iPad at school For your child to have digital access, you will need to complete this parent digital consent form.  This will allow them to have access the websites that we will be using to support your child’s learning.   It can also be found on the Crossfield website.  

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

Get Involved!  

Calling all Crossfield Families! If you are interested in being a lead room parent, volunteering at the book fair, fun run, or other schoolwide events, please fill out the PTO's volunteer interest form. 2024-2025 Crossfield PTO Volunteer Info Sign-Up (

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

Crossfield News 10/1/24

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Upcoming Dates


Wednesday, October 2- Chuy's Spirit Night

Thursday, October 3- Student Holiday

Friday, October 4- Student Holiday

Thursday, October 10- Open PTO Meeting in the new Library @5:30pm

Monday, October 14- Student Holiday

Tuesday, October 15- Chick-fil-A Spirit Night 4:30-8 pm

Thursday, October 24- Crossfield Fun Run Event

Dr. Reid's visit to Crossfield Elementary School

On Friday, Crossfield celebrated receiving a grant from Captain Planet, a division of Cox Cable. Ms. Cleary and Ms. Dalton kicked things off with words of gratitude, highlighting the important work the Green Team has accomplished over the past year and the benefits of outdoor education.
Despite a bit of rain, the Green Team students, staff, parents, community members, and Dr. Reid were all in attendance, and it was an absolute blast. Volunteers from Warner Brothers Discovery were a tremendous help in assembling all the equipment provided by the grant, which included materials for planting and food preparation so we can enjoy the fruits of our labor.
The Green Team students loved assisting throughout the day, from making smoothies with the new Vitamix to releasing monarch butterflies! Captain Planet even got us started with a few vegetable plants, so we’re off to a great start.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates as our growing project continues. Feel free to stop by and check out the planting beds at the front of the school whenever you have time!

Military-Connected Staff Spotlight

Last week, we celebrated Blue Star Welcome Week, honoring our incredible military-connected families. This week, we’re excited to spotlight one of our wonderful military-connected staff members, Mrs. Joanne Bryant. As both a military child and now a proud military spouse, Mrs. Bryant brings so much dedication to our Kindergarten team as an Instructional Assistant. Be sure to check out her collage below. We’re grateful to have Mrs. Bryant and all our military-connected staff at Crossfield. Thank you for your service, your sacrifices, and for being such an important part of our school community. 

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month, held from September 15 to October 15, celebrates Americans with ancestry from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. It’s an opportunity to recognize the contributions, diverse cultures, and histories of the Latino community in the U.S.

This is a great time to get together with family and friends! Be sure to check out some fun local events: Fiesta Fairfax. You can also explore more about Hispanic Heritage Month through Smithsonian's resources.

Student Health Conditions

 If your student has any health conditions that may affect his/her school day, please fill out the Health Information Form electronically in SIS ParentVUE or on paper and return to school. School forms can be found here:"

Chuy's Spirit Night

Let's Taco Bout a delicious fundraiser. Join your Crossfield community at Chuy's in Fairfax on Wednesday, October 2. Be sure to present the Chuy's flier for Crossfield to earn 10% of food sales, or use code "Crossfield" for online orders.

Chuy's is located at 11219 Lee Highway in Fairfax.

Chick-fil-A Spirit Night

It's time to eat more chicken, and raise some money for your Crossfield PTO. Join us on Tuesday, October 15 from 4:30-8pm at the Chantilly Air & Space Chick-fil-A. Please present this flier at checkout, or use code "Crossfield" on mobile orders. 

Chick-fil-A is located at 3454 Historic Sully Way in Chantilly

Digital Consent-Action Needed!!

Hi Parents,

Your child has been assigned a laptop and/or iPad at school For your child to have digital access, you will need to complete this parent digital consent form.  This will allow them to have access the websites that we will be using to support your child’s learning.   It can also be found on the Crossfield website.  

Attendance Reporting

FCPS started new Attendance Reporting using ParentVUE this school year. To report Absence, Late Arrival, or Early Release, you have options to use either ParentVUE or [email protected]

These are the instructions when using ParentVUE:

  1. Select Date
  2. Input Student Name
  3. Input Parent Name
  4. Attendance Reason - select PRA- Report Absence
  5. Note - type in reason for absence, late arrival, or early release

When we receive your report, based on the reasons, we will mark Excused Absence (EXE), Excused Tardy (EXT), or Leaving Early (COU). After we accept, you will be able to view your child's attendance.  Click the link to view an example:

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]  or 703-295-1100.


Click this link to see information regarding lunches, including payment methods.


Medications MUST be dropped off at Crossfield by a parent. Do not send your child to school with their medications. Our clinic aide, Ms. Deschene, will be available during Open House to receive medication. Our clinic is now room C102.

Get Involved!  

Calling all Crossfield Families! If you are interested in being a lead room parent, volunteering at the book fair, fun run, or other schoolwide events, please fill out the PTO's volunteer interest form. 2024-2025 Crossfield PTO Volunteer Info Sign-Up (

Advanced Academic Programs 

Interested in learning more about the Advanced Academic Programs in FCPS and Crossfield Elementary?

Melissa Graham, Crossfield’s Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) will be hosting a meeting for all parents and guardians of students in grades K-6.  She will provide an overview of the AAP Continuum of Services we provide to our students.  

Crossfield Cafeteria, September 26, 2024, at 6:30 PM.

More information about AAP services in FCPS can be found in theAdvanced Academic Programs Fall Newsletter.

*A separate meeting for parents and guardians of students in grades 2-6 regarding the Central Screening Process will be held in early November.  More information to come.

School Year Calendar

To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.

Back-To-School Supplies

Supply Lists for 2024-25 can be found here.

2024-25 Opt-Out Booklet

This booklet  contains information regarding opting your child out of various content and applications at school. Parents can also use the Parental Digital Consent System accessible from this page.

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

2791 Fox Mill Road, Herndon, VA 20171  | Main Office: 703-295-1100
Attendance | Web | Facebook

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