What are Portrait of a Graduate Presentations of Learning?

FCPS believes that students should not only practice the Portrait of a Graduate attributes of Communicator, Collaborator, Ethical & Global Citizen, Creative & Critical Thinker, and Goal-directed & Resilient Individual, but that they should also discuss and recognize their own growth. This opportunity to reflect is called a Portrait of a Graduate Presentations of Learning, or POG POL. POG POL is an example of the type of work provided in pillar A of the new strategic plan giving students an innovative learning experience that engages, empowers, includes, and challenges the whole learner while meeting the student’s individual needs.

POG POL icon

What is a POG POL? During a  POG POL, students reflect on what they have done in school and have an opportunity to discuss how they grew, compare school work or evidence that shows their growth, and discuss why that growth is important to their lives, in the classroom today, and in the future. 

POG POL is an opportunity for students to:

  • Share and celebrate their growth across all subjects
  • Discuss personal strengths and interests
  • Share who they are, in their words
  • Build relationships with teachers and peers

POG POL is not:

  • A teacher-graded experience that will negatively impact them
  • A replacement for other assessments

These presentations can happen throughout the year.  How can you support your child with the POG POL experience? Share specific examples of how you use these attributes in your daily life and why they are important to your overall success. 

"As us students have so much on our plates, we never usually take the time to reflect on our growth and accomplishments. When doing this project, I was able to do exactly that, and it helped me appreciate myself and how much I have improved." ~Middle School Student

What is Portrait of a Graduate?