Goal-directed & Resilient Individual
It is important for students to develop as goal-directed and resilient individuals so they have skills to successfully address challenges that they will encounter throughout their lifetime. Think of all the ways you successfully overcome the day-to-day problems that come up.

What are some of the characteristics of a goal-directed and resilient individual?
Goal-Directed and Resilient Individuals:
- Make healthy choices to help their physical and emotional well-being
- Work through difficult tasks
- Manage time to complete tasks and accomplish goals
- Recognize their own strengths and growth
- Advocate for themselves
How can I support my child?
Consider sharing how you use these skills in your life as an adult with your student. Be specific and explain how these skills help you. This will help your child understand that these aren’t just skills in school for science, social studies, language arts and math, but instead are skills that all people use throughout life. We’re excited to see how your child builds their understanding of how they are critical and creative thinkers everyday! Questions you could ask your student:
- Why is it important to keep trying?
- How did you keep trying when _____ seemed hard?
- If you want to ___, what’s a goal that you might make? What could be your plan to meet the goal?
- How might you take responsibility for [your actions, completing work, mistakes, etc.]?
- From the mistake ___________, what did you learn?
"POG is a bunch of skill sets that help students throughout their school life, home life, and work life. POG helps students achieve their goals and unlock their potential." ~Middle School Student