Family Connections
Students will be practicing POG skills in their classes, and we want them to understand these skills will be used outside of school and in the future. The foundations of this work is established creating vibrant home, school, and commun ity partnerships as outlined in the Strategic Plan Pillar B. We invite families to share and discuss with their students how they use POG skills in their daily lives.

How can you support your student's POG growth?
- Consider telling your child when they are demonstrating a skill at home or in a social setting. The focus POG attributes are: Communicator, Collaborator, Ethical & Global Citizen, Creative & Critical Thinker, and Goal-Directed & Resilient Individual. Examples:
- During soccer practice this morning, when you missed the goal you didn’t give up and kept trying hard to get the ball back to score. (Goal-directed and resilient)
- When you were playing with your sister, you were being kind to her by sharing your toys and letting her choose a game to play. (Collaborator)
- Share examples of how you were a [collaborator, communicator, etc.] during your day or within your job. Provide specific details and explain how using these skills helped you. (e.g., I was a collaborator at work today when I _____. This was helpful because ___________.)
- Instead of asking “What did you do in school today?”, consider asking:
- What ideas did you share today?
- Who did you work with?
- What good choices did you make?
- What new ideas did you come up with?
- What did you get better at?
"Something else I would like to share about my POG POL experience was how amazing and easy it was. I was able to enjoy it with family and friends and have a good time all while doing it for school and an important reason." ~ Secondary Student