Strategic Plan Alignment
Portrait of a Graduate (POG) is FCPS’ commitment to ensuring that all students have the skills to be successful in all aspects of life today, tomorrow and in the future. FCPS’ new strategic plan uses POG as a set of measures for our students reaching the goals of academic growth and excellence along with leading tomorrow’s innovation. POG is broken down into 5 important attributes: Communicator, Collaborator, Ethical & Global Citizen, Creative & Critical Thinker, and Goal-Directed & Resilient Individual.

FCPS believes that students should not only practice the Portrait of a Graduate attributes of Communicator, Collaborator, Ethical & Global Citizen, Creative & Critical Thinker, and Goal-directed & Resilient Individual, but that they should also discuss and recognize their own growth. This opportunity to reflect is called a Portrait of a Graduate Presentations of Learning, or POG POL. POG POL is an example of the type of work provided in pillar A of the new strategic plan giving students an innovative learning experience that engages, empowers, includes, and challenges the whole learner while meeting the student’s individual needs.
How can I support my child?
Students will be practicing POG skills in their classes, and we want them to understand these skills will be used outside of school and in the future. The foundations of this work is established creating vibrant home, school, and commun ity partnerships as outlined in the Strategic Plan Pillar B. We invite families to share and discuss with their students how they use POG skills in their daily lives.
"POG is a bunch of skill sets that help students throughout their school life, home life, and work life. POG helps students achieve their goals and unlock their potential." ~Middle School Student