Communicator Skills
It is important for students to develop as communicators, so that they can share their thoughts, feelings, ideas, experiences, and perspectives with others. This will help other peers and adults to understand them, and help them be able to understand others. Think of all the ways you, as an adult, communicate with people at home, work, or in the community.

What are some of the characteristics of a strong communicator?
- Read to learn
- Listen to understand
- Speak to inform, influence, motivate, or entertain others
- Write for various purposes to share their ideas
- Use technology to explore and exchange ideas
How can I support my child?
Consider sharing how you use these skills in your life with your student. Be specific and explain how these skills help you. This will help your child understand that these aren’t just skills in school for science, social studies, language arts and math, but are skills that all people use throughout life. Questions you could ask your student:
- What ideas did you share today?
- What were some ways you shared your ideas?
- When did you respectfully listen to the ideas of others?
- In what ways did you write, draw or use digital tools to communicate with others? How did that help you learn?
"I feel like POG is important to learn because you will need the POG skills in the future. For example: If you get a job, you will probably need the Communicator and Collaborator skills." ~Elementary Student