Collaborator Skills
It is important for students to grow as collaborators so they can successfully work with their teacher and classmates now and their co-workers and neighbors in the future. Think of all the ways you, as an adult, collaborate with people at home, work, or in the community.

What are some of the characteristics of a strong collaborator?
- Are respectful of other people’s thinking
- Work within a group to learn, be productive, and achieve common goals
- Consider a variety of viewpoints
- Give and receive helpful feedback to improve work
How can I support my child?
Consider sharing how you use these skills in your life as an adult with your student. Be specific and explain how these skills help you. This will help your child understand that these aren’t just skills in used school, but are skills that all people use throughout life. Questions you could ask your student:
- How did you help someone today?
- When did you listen to other points of view? What did you learn?
- How did you help members of your team finish the [activity, project, assignment]?
- Were there moments when your group struggled? How did you handle that? What did you learn from that experience?
"You still get to grow in and out of school. At the shair fair, I still was growing as a communicator and a collaborator. And everyone was growing too. Even our PARENTS! Teachers, and experts like Mr. Lenin and Ms. Miller." ~Middle School Student