Creative and Critical Thinker
It is important for students to develop as creative and critical thinkers so they can create new solutions to challenges that arise in their life, and make the world a better place by asking, how can I make a difference? Think of all the ways you work to make improvements in your home, community, and workplace.

What are some of the characteristics of a strong creative and critical thinker?
Critical and Creative Thinkers:
- Problem-solve and create unique solutions
- Use what they learn in new and different ways
- Express themselves in a variety of ways
- Say when an idea is a good one and explain their thinking
- Use evidence to support their thinking
How can I support my child?
Consider sharing how you use these skills in your life as an adult with your student. Be specific and explain how these skills help you. This will help your child understand that these aren’t just skills in school for science, social studies, language arts and math, but instead are skills that all people use throughout life. We’re excited to see how your child builds their understanding of how they are critical and creative thinkers everyday! Questions you could ask your student:
- How did you use your creativity today?
- Did you ask any questions today? How did it help your thinking?
- Did you have a need to problem-solve today? How did it help you?
- Did your thinking change about anything today? How so?
- In what ways do you ensure information you use is meaningful and reliable
"I had an explosion of creativity." ~Elementary Student